Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007


You may have picked up on the fact that I have been waiting for a long time now to hear Elijah address me as "mama." I mean, it's cute when he says it when prompted with a question, but not quite the same. I imagined what I'd do when it finally happened, how I'd make a big deal out of it, and clap my hands, and say "Yay!" and run to him, and hug him and kiss him. Oh, those were beautiful dreams! They were shattered this morning at 5 am.

Elijah woke up early (5 am) and started by saying "Hi" to us, as he usually does. Then he barked like a dog for a little. We tried to ignore him hoping he'd go back to sleep (fat chance, but one should never lose hope). If he wants to be up at 5, that's his deal. We are not getting up any earlier than six. And then it came: "Ma-ma, ma-ma, ma-ma!" Oh, NO! Not at 5 am! Not when I am half asleep, and don't want to encourage him in his wakefulness, either! Why couldn't it have been some sweet moment while reading a book or playing together outside? How was I supposed to let him know that it was a beautiful sounds to my ears, and that he should do it more, and at the same time make it clear that night (and especially early morning) is for sleeping, not talking? I wish he had picked a different time. But as it were, I ignored the "ma-ma" I've been waiting for all this time. He hasn't said it again all day. Bummer.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

new words

Elijah is finally answering "Ma-ma" when I ask him "Who am I?" thus making my day every time. :) But he is still not addressing me as such. How long do I have to wait?

Meanwhile, he learned to say "Wow," which sounds pretty much as it should, and krug, which is Russian for circle, but sounds something like "kgh." No matter, I know what it means. We are now working on "rectangle." :)

the boy and his horse

Unlike Allie, the horse is Elijah's. He got it a few weeks ago, and was not quite sure what to make of it for the first few days. But that didn't last long. He soon mastered mounting it and rides it a few times a day now. And, as all real cowboys do, he carries his milk with him every time.

I took about a million pictures of him on the horse, and noticed that Elijah was actually posing for each picture! That was a first.
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the boy and his dog

Well, Allie is technically not Elijah's dog, but I am sure he wishes she were. She is definitely his favorite, and not just among dogs. Many mornings the first sound he makes when he wakes up is "Awoo, awoo, awoo" - his very own imitation of the dog sound. When we come out of the bedroom to say Good Morning to Grandma and Grandpa, he completely ignores them, looks for the dog, and does more barking imitations and "dog" signs. He also likes to pet her, but he is not allowed to. The problem is, the child is allergic to the dog. Claritin is keeping most of the problems at bay, but we still don't want to push our luck. He tests the boundaries, and Grandma once caught him rubbing Allie's back with both hands while no one was looking. But most of the time, he is content to just sit next to her, especially outside. Allie has a spot under a tree with a good view of the road, and Elijah comes over and sits nearby on the grass. It's rather adorable.

When Allie was away this weekend, he kept looking for her everywhere. They had a happy reunion. Allie sniffed Elijah, and Elijah giggled with delight. Then he brought her a friendship offering: a dry leaf. The thing is, Allie likes to chew on leaves, and Elijah is happy to keep a steady supply coming (below). The picture above is from a time when Allie got a new toy, and Elijah was pretty jealous. He followed her everywhere and kept wanting to take the toy when she wasn't looking. But we told him it was the doggie's toy, and he seemed to understand that that meant he couldn't play with it, just like the doggie was not allowed to play with his toys.