Tuesday, January 26, 2010

sweatshirt doesn't have teeth

Daddy was brushing Elijah's teeth. Sweatshirt, as always, was accompanying Elijah. Daddy threw it over his shoulder so it wouldn't get wet. The following is the narrated account of this even by Elijah.

"Daddy put sweatshirt over his shoulder, and then sweatshirt was trying to fall down and brush his teeth, and I said, 'Sweathshirt, don't try to fall down and brush your teeth! You don't have any teeth!' And then sweatshirt was like 'Naaaay!'"

where cereal comes from

Elijah: Daddy, do we have Life cereal?
Daddy: Yes.
E: Did you buy it at the store?
D: No, it fell from the sky.
E: Oh.